Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Freaking Idiots...

So, I have a little rant to go on here. Sometimes (often) I see some really interesting things at the (private) college I attend. This morning I saw something that proves that money can't buy brains. Some undergraduate kid was driving a brand new Range Rover ($90k), and on the back he had put a "V12" symbol. For those that don't know, the Range comes with a V-8, and no V-12 is optional. So, he took the time, and spent the money, to buy a V-12 badge (at least I think it was from a BMW, not a Benz (the Range has a BMW-sourced V-8)) and have it put on the back of his Range Rover THAT HAS A FREAKING V-8. What a freaking idiot. I almost said something to him at the coffee shop we were at...but I let it go (kind of). I thought I would just vent to you instead.

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